A Few Words From The Clients of OCD

“Before getting started, I felt nervous, reluctant, and stressed. During the process, I could feel my stress decreasing, and I became excited; the visible progress created relief and happiness. Once all was said and done, I was relaxed, thrilled, and more committed to keeping a clean space. OCD was very helpful, especially in getting the ball rolling, which led to excitement about the cleaning and organization. Having an organizer there allowed me to communicate my ideas and get expert feedback that allowed both visualization and actualization of how I wanted to do things. The process was surprisingly painless, even as someone who is usually very indecisive. And it was extremely efficient; we finished a completely cluttered room in 7 hours total—and we were working that entire time without it even feeling like work. It was unexpected, but I actually had a lot of fun listening to music, filling boxes for donations, and finally having a place for everything. OCD definitely did more than I expected. I thought it would be more about taking the items creating a “mess” and putting them away, but we completely reorganized the things that were already put away, allowing the “mess” to fall into place and semi-clean itself. Lastly, OCD let me have the freedom to have my say in the design. For example, while working on my closet, we considered a couple different options for organizing (e.g. by type, by color, both, etc.), and I was able to have the final say on which would be the most beneficial to me and what I would be able to keep up with as far as maintenance!”

—J.W., Age 19