Step By Step

It all begins with that feeling of dread when you look at that cluttered closet, that crammed junk drawer, that packed garage: How am I ever going to get this cleaned? Where do I even start? Maybe the trick is just to ignore it until it disappears? …Or maybe that doesn’t actually help anything.

You are in luck, my friend, because I know how to help you get that cluttered closet, that junk drawer, that garage into a state that brings you peace of mind without you having to lift a finger to help—that is, unless you want to dive in with me!


Talk it out.

I’ll start you off with a free estimate via a friendly chat. I discuss with you what it is you’re looking for: Maybe you want help with THAT drawer. You know the one. Or maybe you want your entire pantry or refrigerator reorganized. No problem! Perhaps you’re in dire need of an entire overhaul of Grandma’s basement—don’t worry, I can handle that, too. Whatever or wherever your chaotic mess is, I can help you tackle it. But first? Let’s just talk it out!

Make a plan.

Once our chat has taken place and I’ve set you up with your free estimate, we’ll jump on in to the planning phase. We discuss schedules, how hands on you’d like to be in the process (I fully understand that decluttering can be extremely emotional. There will be tissues if you want to organize side by side). You’d like to be totally involved? Absolutely! You’d like me to just tackle your mess without even having to witness anything? You bet. It’s really up to you, my client, as to how you would feel best in creating that new, orderly space. Either way, once I get to work, that mess won’t last much longer, so say your goodbyes.


And then, that sigh of relief. Your space being neat and tidy is sure to bring you a sense of peace you had no idea you were missing. Sure the space was stressful, but you didn’t know it was THAT stressful. A job well done is that relief that follows the organizational process—it should feel a teensy like therapy. But the part AFTER the crying your eyes out.